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Add Google +1 Button to Blogger

If you are blogger. Have you choose a Blogger Platform? If yes, you don't need to search for adding Google +1 button to your blog.

Add Google +1 Button to Blogger

If you are blogger. Have you choose a Blogger Platform? If yes, you don't need to search for adding Google +1 button to your blog. You can add plus one button by going to Layout > Add a Gadget > +1 Button inside your Blogger dashboard. You may also add +1 button to each post inside your Blogger by going to  Layout > Blog Posts > Edit > Show share buttons > Save. You may also add Official Google+ badge to Blogger with your 'Add Gadget' option. If you have a code snippet for a thing, you can add it to your Blogger source code to display the thing anywhere on your blog. So we will use Google+ button snippet to display it anywhere on our blog.

Adding a Google +1 Button to Your Blogger in Each Post.

1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Select a Blog > Template > Edit HTML. Now Find </head> and paste the following code above it.
<script src="" async defer></script>
2. Choose any one of the following code. You may see the example below.
Code Result
<div class="g-plusone"></div>
<div class="g-plusone" data-size="small"></div>
<div class="g-plusone" data-size="medium"></div>
<div class="g-plusone" data-size="tall"></div>
3. Once you have chosen your code. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Select a Blog > Template > Edit HTML. Now Find <data:post.body/>. Skip the First, because it is for mobile. Once you find the <data:post.body/> second time. Paste the code above it.
4. Thats it. You are done.

We hope this tutorial will help you in adding google +1 button to your blogger post. If you have still getting any problem while adding google +1 button you can share your problem in comments we will back to your comment as soon as possible.

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Blogger Widgets Blogging Social Media Social Sharing Templates Tutorial
Mr Blogger Tricks: Add Google +1 Button to Blogger
Add Google +1 Button to Blogger
If you are blogger. Have you choose a Blogger Platform? If yes, you don't need to search for adding Google +1 button to your blog.
Mr Blogger Tricks
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