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Top 5 Social Sharing Services for Bloggers

This is our first post and we share the list of top Social Sharing Buttons. Best way to get traffic on your website is social media and this is done through social sharing buttons on your site.

Social Media Sharing Buttons
This is our first post and we share the list of top Social Sharing Buttons. Best way to get traffic on your website is social media and this is done through social sharing buttons on your site. The problem, is that many social sharing options exist, their features vary. Some offer fewer sharing options, some only work on WordPress, and some require more technical expertise to install and configure.

Here is a list of top social sharing services that We recommend.

1. Addthis

AddThis is a free way to boost traffic back to your site by making it easier for visitors to share your content. Addthis work on most any sites, not only wordpress. Button can be place in several areas where the admin wants. It is offering over 350 social services.

2. Sharethis

The ShareThis button is an all-in-one widget that lets people share any content on the Web with friends via e-mail, AIM, or text message. It is not limited to any site. Any site can embed their share buttons.
ShareThis also comes with a Shortener URL It also include the capability for both static and floating share widgets, either vertical or horizontal.

3. Shareaholic

Shareaholic is also the alternative of Addthis and Sharethis. It is also the one of the popular service. Shareaholic serves over 300, 000 websites. It is available for among all websites, this also has a wordpress plugin.
Shareaholic offers three different button styles: Classic, Sexy, and Sassy. The latter two are designed specifically with mobile devices in mind and, to add an element of interactivity, the “Sexy” version buttons animate when a reader mouses over them.

4. SumoMe

SumoMe provides free tools you need to grow your WordPress site and other sites. This will make your site easy for your readers to share your articles and optimize with analytics. SumoMe provides many places to add your share buttons.
It also offers other tools which blogger needs, Like, List Builder, Sharing, Heat Map, Smart Bar and many others resource that you need and other blogger are using.

5. Sharexy

Sharexy gives users the capability to customize the placement either at the top or bottom of the post, as well. Users can choose from over 20 social networks to share with, and sharing via email is also included.
Like the other, Sharexy can be used on any type of site. A WordPress plugin is also available. It offers both static and floating sharing widgets.


So, this is the top social sharing platform which we recommended. Most of the blogger don't know the importance of social sharing. Do not ignore social sharing. It is one more way to increase site traffic, reach, and exposure within social networks.
If you are thinking that some other top social sharing platforms which are not mention, so you can mention them in comment



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Mr Blogger Tricks: Top 5 Social Sharing Services for Bloggers
Top 5 Social Sharing Services for Bloggers
This is our first post and we share the list of top Social Sharing Buttons. Best way to get traffic on your website is social media and this is done through social sharing buttons on your site.
Mr Blogger Tricks
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